5 Techniques for coping with social isolation

4 ways to deal with social isolation
Social Isolation is a situation when one isn’t able to connect with family, friends and community sometimes it’s voluntary i.e when someone decides to distance themselves from social connections or it could be because of  Social Anxiety or geographical location.

It is hard to deal with but with conscious effort, one can reduce its effects significantly.
Let’s look at 4 techniques to deal with social isolation-

  1. Create a Routine: Your day should be organised create a timetable, go to sleep on the same time every day, and include breaks in your day also time for hobbies, exercise, and relaxation.
    This will give you control over the day and keep your mind busy from focusing on social things.
    When I was preparing for my exams I distanced myself from my friends and family and created a schedule to have control over my day.

  2. Stay Connected Virtually: Use technology to stay connected with friends, family, and colleagues. Video calls, phone calls, and online messaging platforms can help bridge the gap created by physical isolation. or if you suffer from social anxiety my suggestion is to go join https://www.reddit.com/r/socialanxiety/
    This is a community for people who suffer from social anxiety, they discuss, give each other support and when you have like-minded people who understand what you are going through it’s easy to connect with them.

  3. Always set realistic goals: I can’t stress this enough your goals should be achievable as when tick them completed on your paper it’ll give you a sense of accomplishment which will keep you happy in that time on the other hand if your goals very  hard to achieve, your productivity will start to deteriorate as you’re putting the work but not achieving your goals, this will make venerable to mental health problems.

  4. Engage in Self-Care Activities: Simple yet very Important include exercise, meditation, reading, or pursuing creative hobbies in your daily life, also involve things like going out alone for a coffee, and spending time in nature.
    These will help you become grateful for life and give you confidence.

    last thing to remember humans are social animals and they need to connect if the distance is voluntary it should not be long and if it it’s involuntary try different things to reduce the social gap as much as possible and get professional help if needed.