5 Ways to become Confident | Development 360 Academy

5 Ways to Boost Your Self Confidence

5 Ways to become Confident | Development 360 Academy
Usually, a person is said to be confident when he/she is comfortable with their surrounding, don’t hesitate to put forward their opinion, have a positive outlook towards life, and possess positive self-esteem the path to becoming self-confident will require your conscious effort.
Here are 5 strategies that you can follow to become more self-confident.
  1. Speak good about yourself to yourself
    Positive self-talk is one of the key elements in your self-confidence journey, there is a very old saying that if you don’t respect yourselves nobody will, stop taking yourself for granted always speak positively about yourself, take compliments with smile never deny them, replace negative thoughts about self with positive once you can use our worksheet for it, It’ll help you curb overthinking and also help you replace negative emotions with positive once.

  2. Practice Assertiveness
    By this I don’t mean you start shouting at people and start disrespecting them, what I want you to do is stand up yourself, say no respectfully to tasks that are not your responsibility or seem unfair to you don’t say yes just to please people, these yes will make you less assertive and you’ll be taken for granted.

  3. Remove Toxic People From Life
    A toxic person is someone who manipulates you, gives you non-constructive criticism, is self-obsessed, has no sense of boundaries, tries to control you, and belittles your endeavors whenever they can.
    I can’t stress this enough remove such people from your life or if you can’t remove them at the very least limit contact with them.
    I remember when I was a very big people pleaser I used this tactic to say no the first few times It weighed very heavy on my conscience and I felt like I did something wrong but after doing this 10-15 times I realized that people 2-3 people out of 6-7 who I said no to stopped contacting me and eventually we fell apart but a very big insight I made is if those people only want me to make sacrifices for them to stay my friends
    I don’t think I need such friends.

  4. Set goals that you can achieve
    One of the biggest things that take toll on your self-esteem is not achieving your own goals so be fair with yourself and break your goals into small ones remember “Little by little, one travels far”  and celebrate even your small achievements You’ll start becoming more confident as you’ll start believing your abilities as you’ll achieve your own set goals

  5. Keep learning
    Continues learning will stop your inner critic from questioning your decisions, as what happens is that gaps in knowledge make you unsure and activate your inner critic to start blabbering, so be open to adapt, question each and everything, be open to feedbacks, and I am sure this will lower the voice of your inner critic and increase your self-esteem.

Now it’s up to you, you’re the one in charge of your actions start taking action today and become a better person and a much more confident version of yourself.

With determination and passion, there’s nothing you can’t achieve with determination and passion, there’s nothing you can’t achieve

Best of Luck!

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