4 Ways to manage worry and overthinking in Anxiety Disorder

4 ways to stop worrying in anxiety disorder
 GAD affects 6.8 million adults or 3.1% of the U.S.  treatment. NIMH: Generalized Anxiety Disorder.

Anxiety is a really powerful disorder which can make you worry about anything but if we incorporate these techniques in our daily lives we reduce the worry to a great extent.

  1. Mindfulness Techniques: Practice mindfulness to bring your attention to the present moment. Techniques such as deep breathing, guided imagery, or progressive muscle relaxation can help ground you in the here and now. Focus on your breath, notice your surroundings, and gently redirect your thoughts when they veer into anxious territory.
    Personally, for me, deep breathing works best as during it I try to forget the hustle and bustle of life and focus on that moment it calms my nerves, reduces my heart rate and makes me less anxious.

  2. Create a worry period: Designate a specific time each day as “worry time.” During this time, allow yourself to acknowledge and explore your concerns. Write down your worries and consider potential solutions. When worry arises outside of this designated time, consciously postpone it until your designated worry time. This can help contain anxious thoughts and prevent them from dominating your entire day.
    What I do before going to sleep I use the Anxiety Buster Worksheet (Which you can download free of cost) to counter my negative thoughts and go to sleep less worried than before.

  3. Practice Acceptance: Accept that some degree of uncertainty is a part of life. Instead of trying to control everything, practice accepting the unknown and focusing on what you can control in the present moment. This is easier said than done basically you’ve to distract your mind away from things you can’t control to things you can, whenever I think about what if it didn’t workout I try to remind myself that the only thing I can do is try my best, rest is in the hands of almighty.

  4. Connect with Others: This is simple yet very effective advice, whenever my mind starts dooming me with an anxious thought I go and hangout with my friends which helps me see that life is not that bad after-all.
Remember If anxiety is consuming your whole day or significantly affecting your life it’s time to see a mental health professional and use these tips with the proper treatment, they will give you much better results.

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