5 Strategies to Boost Confidence

5 Strategies to Boost Confidence
In this post post let’s look at 5 strategies that can help one become more confident, before looking at the strategy make a commitment to yourself that you’ll do whatever it takes to become more confident.

  1. Set realistic goals: Don’t set unrealistic goals because when we don’t achieve a goal our mind thinks that we can’t do anything which reduces our self-esteem and confidence in the other hand when you achieve a goal your self-esteem and self-confidence increase.
  2. Develop a skill: It could be anything, just keep learning as Gaining competence in different areas can significantly enhance confidence. I used to learn guitar and it really helped me become more confident.

  3. Accept compliments: Don’t be shy or think they’re being sarcastic just say thank you very much at first you’ll have a hard time doing this but in the long run it will help you become a more confident person because acknowledging and appreciating positive feedback can reinforce a sense of self-worth.

  4. Stop Negative self-talk: Stop saying things like “I am worth less” and ” I can’t do anything” as they are destroying your self-worth instead say positive things like “I can do anything” This simple replacement of words will significantly increase your self-confidence.

  5. Remove Toxic People from life: These are people who gaslight you, and embarrass you in front of others, believe me these people will only bring your self-confidence down, instead find people who love you help you achieve your goals and compliment you these are the people you need on your as they will help you become much much more confident person.
As I mentioned earlier these steps will require constant effort in order to work but if keep working on them you’ll become a much much much more confident person then you’re now.