A password tracker is where one can keep all their password safe,we recommend you attach relevant pages of this tracker in your dairy which only you can access so that you can access it anytime you need to enter a password.
you can download this tracker by clicking on the available at the end of this page
Features of this tracker-
This tracker has Do’s and don’t one should keep in mind while setting up a password so that one can educate themselves
And of course, it has a classic password tracker in it with a lot of space for your website, password and password. Make sure to keep this page in a very safe place where only you can access it.
We have also added a page to keep your two-factor authentication backup keys safe in your diary or file.
when you set up two-factor authentication on any of your emails, websites..etc you’re provided with a few backup keys in case you don’t have access to the authenticator application you can use those backup keys to access your website or email.
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